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About Us

When Sirius and Persephone first stepped foot on the shores of Auridon, in April 2016, one thing became clear: everybody was rushing! Moreover, upon inquiring as to the existence of beginner-friendly, light role-play guilds, nothing surfaced. Guilds we saw advertised seemed homogenous: “Tamriel Mega-Champions, 490+ members, PVE/PVP/PCP/LSD, recruiting NOW!” Our first experience of a group dungeon was terrifying: our companions charged into combat, skipped dialogues and left us behind without a word. Sure that others shared similar experiences and wished to play in a story-focussed way, as former Elder Scrolls games afforded, we decided to found The Lollygaggers with immediate effect!

Shortly after inception on May 24th, the guild found its natural home (before the days of Homestead) at the Vulkhel Guard Wayshrine. Its vibrant atmosphere, where total novices and seasoned veterans mingle, exchange tales, and make noise, attracted us immediately, and Lollygaggers are known to this day to loiter with intent around that wonderful wayshrine. Our guild tabard, which bears the wayshrine crest, is in honor of our spiritual home in Auridon. The tabard’s two-toned purple-pink background is reminsicent of Sheogorath‘s garb, the patron prince of all true Lollygaggers.

For those who remain curious, our guild name is indeed drawn from Skyrim’s city guards who insist upon “no lollygagging!” One assumes they were talking about us…

But this is not where the story ends, of course! The Lollygaggers have had quite the adventures over the years. If you want to find out more about what happened since then, you are welcome to check out the our amazing galleries!

Any screenshots missing? Let us know in-game or via Discord!

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